Monday 9 February 2009

Best Buy's Wall Numbers

Three years ago, Cabel Sasser, founder of shareware company Panicwrote about a set of numbers posted on the wall of Best Buy stores. At that time, this post drew a lot of attention, and something over 100 comments. It turns out that each of these numbers is a store performance metric - related to either shrink performance or attach rates. 

Working from right to left, and top to bottom, these numbers report on the following:
[1] 469 - this is a shrink metric, possibly connected with a bonus pay-out;
[2] .23 - this is also a shrink metric, probably expressed as a percentage;
[3] 77 - this is an attach metric related to Best Buy's PRP or 'Product Replacement Plan';
[4] 7 - this is also an attach metric, bizarrely related to magazine subscriptions;
[5] 2.22 - this is also an attach metric related PRP attach performance;
[6] 100 - this is a measure of MasterCard applications [related to the metric below];
[7] 3 - this a measure of Best Buy card applications; and
[8] 100 - this is an attach metric for Account Shield.

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