Deloitte has just published the 'The Global Powers of Retailing 2010'. It's their 13th edition. The league table of the Top 250 retailers in the world shows that five of the Top 10 now come from Europe:
Schwarz [Lidl]
And the leading technology specialists are as follows:
023 Best Buy
043 Yamada Denki
065 DSGi
091 Gome
106 Kesa
116 Edion
117 Yodobashi
125 Suning
131 Casas Bahia
136 Apple
145 Bic
148 Euroset
149 K's
159 Eldorado
181 Kojima
191 RadioShack
222 Joshin Denki
250 Best Denki
This list clearly doesn't not separate the MediaMarkt business from Metro, or the Fnac business from PPR. And it does not even include the two biggest European buying groups, Euronics and Expert. It is also important to note that while this is the 2010 list, it is based on revenue figures from 2008 [but they do separate retail revenues from non-retail revenues before creating their league table].
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